Learning Minor Arcana - Seven of Swords
Seven of Swords – Deception, Strategy, and Secrets
The Seven of Swords is a card that symbolises deception, trickery, dishonesty, and strategic thinking. It often represents someone trying to get away with something, acting in secrecy, or avoiding confrontation. This card can indicate betrayal, manipulation, or someone withholding the truth—but it can also reflect the need to be cunning and strategic in order to succeed.
On a more positive note, the Seven of Swords can highlight the importance of clever thinking, independent action, and finding unconventional solutions. Sometimes, it suggests that you need to keep your plans to yourself for now, rather than revealing everything too soon.
Imagery and Symbolism of the Seven of Swords
In traditional tarot decks, the Seven of Swords depicts a man sneaking away from a military encampment, carrying five swords while leaving two behind. His expression suggests he is stealing them or acting in secrecy. He looks back as if checking to see if he has been caught.
The swords symbolise thoughts, strategies, and intellect—and his actions suggest someone who is being tactical, deceitful, or operating underhandedly. The fact that he leaves two swords behind indicates unfinished business or a lack of total success.
The sky is bright, suggesting that truth may eventually be revealed, even if things are currently hidden. The scene overall reflects cunning, secrecy, and the consequences of deception.
Upright General Meaning of the Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords upright often points to deception, secrecy, and dishonesty—whether you are the one being deceptive, or someone around you is not being entirely truthful. You may be dealing with a situation where someone is acting in their own self-interest, keeping secrets, or trying to manipulate a situation for personal gain. Be cautious of those who may not have your best intentions at heart.
However, this card is not always negative. It can also indicate strategic thinking, independence, and the need to act carefully. Sometimes, you have to be clever and keep your plans to yourself in order to protect your interests. This could be about quietly working on a project without others interfering or taking a different approach to solve a problem.
The Seven of Swords also suggests avoidance. You might be dodging responsibilities, avoiding a difficult conversation, or trying to escape a situation rather than facing it head-on. While avoidance can sometimes be a survival tactic, it’s important to ensure that running away isn’t making things worse.
Reversed General Meaning of the Seven of Swords
Reversed, the Seven of Swords often represents truth coming to light, guilt catching up, or a failed deception. If you or someone else has been dishonest, the truth is likely to be revealed. Lies, secrets, or hidden actions may now be exposed, bringing consequences with them.
This card can also indicate self-deception—are you lying to yourself about a situation? Avoiding reality? Ignoring the truth because it’s uncomfortable? The reversed Seven of Swords asks you to be honest with yourself and face the situation with clarity.
On a more positive note, the reversed Seven of Swords can symbolise making amends, coming clean, and choosing honesty over deception. If you’ve been feeling guilty about something, now is the time to take responsibility and correct your mistakes.
Seven of Swords in Love
In relationships, the Seven of Swords suggests secrecy, dishonesty, or hidden intentions. Someone may not be telling the whole truth—this could be about feelings, commitment, or even external influences like a third party. If you feel something is off, trust your instincts. There may be lies, manipulation, or one person acting selfishly in the relationship.
If you are single, this card warns against people who may not be entirely truthful. Be cautious of partners who seem to be hiding things or are not fully transparent. It may also suggest that you are holding back in relationships, whether out of fear or because you are not ready to fully open up.
Reversed Seven of Swords in Love
Reversed, this card often indicates truths coming to light. If there has been deception in a relationship, it may soon be exposed. Lies, infidelity, or dishonesty may be revealed, forcing you to confront reality. However, in some cases, this can also suggest forgiveness and rebuilding trust after honesty is restored.
For singles, the reversed Seven of Swords suggests that you are being more honest with yourself and potential partners. If you have been avoiding love or hiding your true feelings, you may now be ready to face them openly.
Seven of Swords in Career and Finances
In a career reading, the Seven of Swords suggests workplace deceit, office politics, or someone acting dishonestly. Be careful of colleagues who may be trying to take credit for your work, spread rumours, or undermine you. This is a card of caution—watch out for hidden motives and ensure you are protecting your own interests.
This card can also indicate that you may need to act strategically in your career. Perhaps you have a business idea but need to keep it quiet for now. Maybe you are planning to leave your job but shouldn’t reveal your plans too soon. Being smart and cautious in your professional life will serve you well.
Financially, the Seven of Swords warns against scams, theft, or making risky financial decisions. Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, and don’t let others take advantage of your generosity.
Reversed Seven of Swords in Career and Finances
Reversed, this card often suggests that a workplace deception is being exposed. If someone has been dishonest, their actions may come to light, and justice may be served. If you’ve been playing office politics, it may now backfire, so ensure your actions are ethical.
In finances, the reversed Seven of Swords suggests recovering from a financial mistake or becoming more honest about money matters. If you have been in denial about your financial situation, now is the time to confront it and take steps towards improvement.
Seven of Swords in Health
Health-wise, the Seven of Swords can indicate hidden health issues, avoidance, or not being entirely honest about your well-being. Perhaps you are ignoring symptoms, avoiding medical advice, or pretending everything is fine when it’s not. This card encourages you to face your health concerns directly rather than running from them.
It may also suggest mental stress or anxiety due to secrecy or guilt. Carrying hidden burdens can take a toll on your well-being, so it’s important to address any emotional or psychological strain.
Reversed Seven of Swords in Health
Reversed, this card suggests truth coming out regarding health matters. You may finally get answers about an illness or realise that you need to take better care of yourself. If you’ve been avoiding medical advice, now is the time to seek it.
It can also indicate letting go of mental burdens—if guilt or secrecy has been affecting your health, it’s time to release it and move forward with honesty and clarity.
Seven of Swords in Spirituality
Spiritually, the Seven of Swords suggests seeking knowledge in secret or questioning beliefs. You may be exploring new spiritual paths privately, rather than openly discussing your journey. This card can also indicate that you are being selective about who you share your spiritual beliefs with, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing—it’s okay to keep certain things personal.
However, it can also warn against spiritual deception. Be mindful of false gurus, misleading information, or people who may be trying to take advantage of your spiritual journey.
Reversed Seven of Swords in Spirituality
Reversed, this card indicates a return to honesty in spiritual matters. If you have been doubting yourself or feeling lost, you may now be gaining clarity. This can also be a time of seeking truth, questioning past beliefs, and embracing a more authentic spiritual path.
It can also suggest letting go of guilt or past mistakes, allowing yourself to move forward with greater wisdom and self-awareness.